Registering with a bookmaker is not difficult at all. Some players are scared by the identification of their identity, which slows down the process somewhat. In fact, there is nothing complicated about it. Let's figure out how to quickly and painlessly pass identification and registration with any bookmaker.
Registration at a bookmakers: detailed steps
The registration procedure may vary slightly between sports betting sites, but in general it includes the general steps that we will now describe in detail. We present to you a detailed description of the registration and verification process.
Step 1. Search and selection
Choose a reliable and licensed bookmaker that provides services in your country.
Step 2. Go to the site
Go to the official website of the selected bookmaker. Read the rules, conditions and offers in detail. Decide how the registration will take place:
- On the official website from a PC or a mobile version of the site. For the first option, there is a mobile version of the site, and for the second, you need to use the main version of the site.
- From a mobile application. If you plan to place bets from a mobile device, it is better to use the bookmaker's mobile program, which can be downloaded by going to the mobile version of the site and visiting the section with applications.
On the main page of the site you will find the button “Registration” or “Register”. As a rule, this button is located in the upper right corner and is highlighted in bright color.
Step 3. Filling out the registration form
You will see a form with fields where you need to add information about yourself, namely:
- Personal data (name, surname, date of birth). We would like to point out that you should not fill in deliberately false information, as your account may be blocked immediately after the verification procedure. Or you simply will not pass the verification procedure, and without identifying your identity you cannot withdraw funds or participate in promotions.
- Contact details (e-mail address, phone number). Most often, bookmakers registration only asks for a mobile phone number, since you need to confirm registration and complete it using the number. However, you can confirm your email address after registering in your personal account. Personal bonus offers and promotional codes may be sent to the specified e-mail.
- Login Password. Create a password that must be entered to log into your account. After entering the password, your password will be assessed in terms of security and some recommendations will be given on how to improve it (Use of capital letters and numbers).
- Promo code. This is an optional field for registration, but if you have a bonus code, you can activate it and get bonuses.
Step 4. Confirmation of registration
You will be provided with the bookmaker's rules, conditions, and privacy policy to read. Then:
- Confirm your email address by clicking on the link that the bookmaker will send you.
- Enter the confirmation code that will be sent to the specified mobile phone number
After this, registration at the bookmakers will be completed, or rather, its first stage, because to fully complete this procedure, it is necessary to confirm your identity.